


In programming languages, a closure (also lexical closure or function closure) is a function or reference to a function together with a referencing environment—a table storing a reference to each of the non-local variables (also called free variables or upvalues) of that function.A closure—unlike a plain function pointer—allows a function to access those non-local variables even when invoked outside its immediate lexical scope. The following program fragment defines a (higher-order) function startAt with a local variable x and a nested function incrementBy. This nested function incrementBy has access to x, because x is in its lexical scope, even though it is not local to incrementBy. The function startAt returns a closure containing a reference to the function incrementBy, which adds the y value to the x value, and a reference to the variable x, so incrementBy will know where to find it once invoked: ``` function startAt(x) function incrementBy(y) return x + y return incrementBy

variable closure1 = startAt(1) variable closure2 = startAt(5) ```

Invoking the variable closure1 (which is of function type) with closure1(3) will return 4, while invoking closure2(3) will return 8. While closure1 and closure2 are both references to the function incrementBy, the associated environment will bind the identifier x to two distinct variables in the two invocations, leading to different results.

“闭包(Closure)是词法闭包(Lexical Closure)的简称,是引用了自由变量的函数。这个被引用的自由变量将和这个函数一同存在,即使已经离开了创造它的环境也不例外。所以,有另一种说法认为闭包是由函数和与其相关的引用环境组合而成的实体。闭包在运行时可以有多个实例,不同的引用环境和相同的函数组合可以产生不同的实例。” 说了那么多,在c++中就是个函数对象,“function closure”,在c++中可以对应函数对象。

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