


In computer systems, an access token contains the security credentials for a login session and identifies the user, the user’s groups, the user’s privileges, and, in some cases, a particular application.

按照定义,token是个credentials,证书,一个凭证,这东西首先有“书”的特性,记录了一些信息,并不是简单的一个密码,而且不是和session id一样。也可以理解,就是一种信息的格式的约定。




JSON Web Tokens are an open, industry standard RFC 7519 method for representing claims securely between two parties.

另外在官网上https://jwt.io/也有生成的工具,具体的格式也不复杂,header、payload、verify signature,注意,前两个是Base64编码的并没有加密,第三个verify signature,作用只是验证是不是自己发布的,token有没有被其他人修改过。






参考OAuth 2.0 Threat Model and Security Considerations

4.1.3. Threat: Obtaining Access Tokens

Depending on the client type, there are different ways that access tokens may be revealed to an attacker. Access tokens could be stolen from the device if the application stores them in a storage device that is accessible to other applications.

Impact: Where the token is a bearer token and no additional mechanism is used to identify the client, the attacker can access all resources associated with the token and its scope.


o Keep access tokens in transient memory and limit grants (Section 5.1.6).

o Limit token scope (Section

o Keep access tokens in private memory or apply same protection means as for refresh tokens (Section 5.2.2).

o Keep access token lifetime short (Section Threat: Access Token Leak in Transport/Endpoints

This token might be eavesdropped by an attacker. The token is sent from the server to the client via a URI fragment of the redirect URI. If the communication is not secured or the endpoint is not secured, the token could be leaked by parsing the returned URI.

Impact: The attacker would be able to assume the same rights granted by the token.


o The authorization server should ensure confidentiality (e.g., using TLS) of the response from the authorization server to the client (see Section 5.1.1). Threat: Access Token Leak in Browser History

An attacker could obtain the token from the browser’s history. Note that this means the attacker needs access to the particular device.


o Use short expiry time for tokens (see Section Reduced scope of the token may reduce the impact of that attack (see Section

o Make responses non-cacheable.



An HTTP cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie) is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser while the user is browsing. Cookies were designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember stateful information (such as items added in the shopping cart in an online store) or to record the user’s browsing activity (including clicking particular buttons, logging in, or recording which pages were visited in the past). They can also be used to remember arbitrary pieces of information that the user previously entered into form fields such as names, addresses, passwords, and credit card numbers.


cookie的诞生确实是为了解决无状态的问题,但是现在基本不用这个功能了,最重要的就是有大小的限制4k,使用cookie来维持登录态,在实现过程中实际上是在cookie中添加一个token来维持一个登录态。或者cookie中存放个session id。






Cookie-based authentication is stateful. This means that an authentication record or session must be kept both server and client-side. The server needs to keep track of active sessions in a database, while on the front-end a cookie is created that holds a session identifier, thus the name cookie based authentication. Let’s look at the flow of traditional cookie-based authentication:

  • User enters their login credentials.
  • Server verifies the credentials are correct and creates a session which is then stored in a database.
  • A cookie with the session ID is placed in the users browser.
  • On subsequent requests, the session ID is verified against the database and if valid the request processed.
  • Once a user logs out of the app, the session is destroyed both client-side and server-side.

Token-based authentication is stateless. The server does not keep a record of which users are logged in or which JWTs have been issued. Instead, every request to the server is accompanied by a token which the server uses to verify the authenticity of the request. The token is generally sent as an addition Authorization header in the form of Bearer {JWT}, but can additionally be sent in the body of a POST request or even as a query parameter. Let’s see how this flow works:

  • User enters their login credentials.
  • Server verifies the credentials are correct and returns a signed token.
  • This token is stored client-side, most commonly in local storage - but can be stored in session storage or a cookie as well.
  • Subsequent requests to the server include this token as an additional Authorization header or through one of the other methods mentioned above.
  • The server decodes the JWT and if the token is valid processes the request. Once a user logs out, the token is destroyed client-side, no interaction with the server is necessary.


Advantages of Token-Based Authentication

Stateless, Scalable, and Decoupled

Perhaps the biggest advantage to using tokens over cookies is the fact that token authentication is stateless. The back-end does not need to keep a record of tokens. Each token is self-contained, containing all the data required to check it’s validity as well as convey user information through claims. The server’s only job, then, becomes to sign tokens on a successful login request and verify that incoming tokens are valid. In fact, the server does not even need to sign tokens. Third party services such as Auth0 can handle the issuing of tokens and then the server only needs to verify the validity of the token.

最核心的优点就是,stateless,后端服务不用保存token,而且理想情况下是self-contained,“containing all the data required to check it’s validity as well as convey user information through claims”。自己理解,这self-contained包括两层意思,一是能够包含信息能够验证这个token是有效的,而是包含关键的信息,如用户名、甚至是该用户的的权限信息如能够方位的url信息。与使用cookie的传统的方式比,cookie中里面有session信息,然后需要服务端存储session,然后在找到session对应的用户名,而token里面直接包括了用户名信息,无需服务端保存,也就是服务端的无状态。

Store Data in the JWT

With a cookie based approach, you simply store the session id in a cookie. JWT’s, on the other hand, allow you to store any type of metadata, as long as it’s valid JSON. The JWT spec specifies different types of claims that can be included such as reserved, public and private. You can learn more about the specifics and the differences between the types of claims on the jwt.io website.

In practice, what this means is that a JWT can contain any type of data. Depending on your use case you may choose to make the minimal amount of claims such as the user id and expiration of the token, or you may decide to include additional claims such as the user’s email address, who issued the token, scopes or permissions for the user, and more.



When using the cookie-based authentication, the back-end has to do a lookup, whether that be a traditional SQL database or a NoSQL alternative, and the round trip is likely to take longer compared to decoding a token. Additionally, since you can store additional data inside the JWT, such as the user’s permission level, you can save yourself additional lookup calls to get and process the requested data.

For example, say you had an API resource /api/orders that retrieves the latest orders placed via your app, but only users with the role of admin have access to view this data. In a cookie based approach, once the request is made, you’d have one call to the database to verify that the session is valid, another to get the user data and verify that the user has the role of admin, and finally a third call to get the data. On the other hand, with a JWT approach, you can store the user role in the JWT, so once the request is made and the JWT verified, you can make a single call to the database to retrieve the orders.


Mobile Ready

Modern APIs do not only interact with the browser. Written properly a single API can serve both the browser and native mobile platforms like iOS and Android. Native mobile platforms and cookies do not mix well. While possible, there are many limitations and considerations to using cookies with mobile platforms.

Common Questions and Concerns

JWT Size

You can store the token in a cookie instead, but the max size of a cookie is only 4kb so that may be problematic if you have many claims attached to the token. Additionally, you can store the token in session storage which is similar to local storage but is cleared as soon as the user closes the browser.


XSS and XSRF Protection


Tokens Are Signed, Not Encrypted



Oauth的access token 安全么?
理解OAuth 2.0
What is a cookie?
聊一聊 cookie
Cookies vs. Tokens: The Definitive Guide

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