
Usual locking with monitor-objects involves CAS as well as the locking kernel-calls. The cass alleviates the locking so that there will be no kernel call without contention. And when there is contention the CAS might spin for a time and then the kernel call would take place or the kernel call would follow immediately.



The relative speed of the operations is largely a non-issue. What is relevant is the difference in scalability between lock-based and nonblocking algorithms. And if you’re running on a 1 or 2 core system, stop thinking about such things.

Nonblocking algorithms generally scale better because they have shorter “critical sections” than lock-based algorithms.

以上,另外一个观点,不通过锁的视角看,通过“critical sections”,临界区的概念上,非阻塞算法一般有更短的临界区。但是这个临界区其实比较难定义,并不是在cas的那小部分是临界区,cas也是有可见性的语义的。



One or more variables that together maintain an initially zero long sum. When updates (method add(long)) are contended across threads, the set of variables may grow dynamically to reduce contention. Method sum() (or, equivalently, longValue()) returns the current total combined across the variables maintaining the sum.


This class is usually preferable to AtomicLong when multiple threads update a common sum that is used for purposes such as collecting statistics, not for fine-grained synchronization control. Under low update contention, the two classes have similar characteristics. But under high contention, expected throughput of this class is significantly higher, at the expense of higher space consumption.

在low update contention的场景下,与AtomicLong特性差不多,在高竞争下,LongAdder的吞吐量更高。

LongAdders can be used with a ConcurrentHashMap to maintain a scalable frequency map (a form of histogram or multiset). For example, to add a count to a ConcurrentHashMap<String,LongAdderfreqs, initializing if not already present, you can use freqs.computeIfAbsent(k -new LongAdder()).increment();



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