Seata 介绍


Seata 是一款开源的分布式事务解决方案,致力于提供高性能和简单易用的分布式事务服务。Seata 将为用户提供了 AT、TCC、SAGA 和 XA 事务模式,为用户打造一站式的分布式解决方案。




Automatic (Branch) Transaction Mode。基于支持本地 ACID 事务 的 关系型数据库:

  • 一阶段 prepare 行为:在本地事务中,一并提交业务数据更新和相应回滚日志记录。
  • 二阶段 commit 行为:马上成功结束,自动 异步批量清理回滚日志。
  • 二阶段 rollback 行为:通过回滚日志,自动 生成补偿操作,完成数据回滚。





TCC(try confirm cancel)典型的二阶段,不依赖于底层数据资源的事务支持:

  • 一阶段 prepare 行为:调用 自定义 的 prepare 逻辑。
  • 二阶段 commit 行为:调用 自定义 的 commit 逻辑。
  • 二阶段 rollback 行为:调用 自定义 的 rollback 逻辑。


这模式来源于一个论文SAGAS,saga的原来的意思是“a long story of heroic achievement”,与需要解决的问题场景”Long lived transactions (LLTs) hold on to database resources for relatively long periods of time, sigmficantly delaying the termmation of shorter and more common transactions.“有些关系,解决的问题是长事物的问题。




Seata Search也会记录事物的状态,为什么还需要一个Local DB?一个原因可能是要是事件驱动的,为了保存一个本地执行的状态。在从Event Queue中取出来的时候,并不代表执行完成,如果从Event Queue取出来没有执行完,这时候机器挂掉就丢失了信息,通过local DB保留一个State的执行状态。(PS,是同步还是异步的是可以配置的)


这XA是有个标准的规范的: The XA Specification - The Open Group Publications Catalog,这规范比Sagas更具体 ,规范描述了全局的事务管理器与局部的资源管理器之间的接口。


Since XA uses two-phase commit, the advantages and disadvantages of that protocol generally apply to XA. The main advantage is that XA (using 2PC) allows an atomic transaction across multiple heterogeneous technologies (e.g. a single transaction could encompass multiple databases from different vendors as well as an email server and a message broker), whereas traditional database transactions are limited to a single database.

The main disadvantage is that 2PC is a blocking protocol: the other servers need to wait for the transaction manager to issue a decision about whether to commit or abort each transaction. If the transaction manager goes offline while transactions are waiting for its final decision, they will be stuck and hold their database locks until the transaction manager comes online again and issues its decision. This extended holding of locks may be disruptive to other applications that are using the same databases.

Moreover, if the transaction manager crashes and its record of decisions cannot be recovered (e.g. due to a bug in how the decisions were logged, or due to data corruption on the server), manual intervention may be necessary. Many XA implementations provide an “escape hatch” for transactions to independently decide whether to commit or abort (without waiting to hear from the transaction manager), but this risks violating the atomicity guarantee and is therefore reserved for emergencies.



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