ES(五)Why Skip List

Why Skip List ?



引用一个回答:How does lucene index documents?

For those curious why Lucene uses Skip-Lists, while most databases use (B+)- and/or (B)-Trees, take a look at the right SO answer regarding this question (Skip-Lists vs. B-Trees). That answer gives a pretty good, deep explanation - essentially, not so much make concurrent updates of the index “more amenable” (because you can decide to not re-balance a B-Tree immediately, thereby gaining about the same concurrent performance as a Skip-List), but rather, Skip-Lists save you from having to work on the (delayed or not) balancing operation (ultimately) needed by B-Trees (In fact, as the answer shows/references, there is probably very little performance difference between B-Trees and [multi-level] Skip-Lists, if either are “done right.”)



另外,在Skip List vs. Binary Tree中一个高票回答,也说明了,基于tree的实现在并发上能够达到Skip List的性能,但是,非常容易screw-up:

Gramoli’s conclusion is that’s much easier to screw-up a CAS-based concurrent tree implementation than it is to screw up a similar skip list.


总结,why Lucene use Skip List not B-Tree ? 在达到同样性能的条件下,使用Skip List更容易实现。



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